Monday 29 July 2013

After a turd encrusted Monday at work, getting this in the post filled me with joy. Super Mario is now going to help me expand my numerical horizons.

Sunday 28 July 2013

OK so on my quest to become one of the Mario elite (for a third time) I've been playing with loads of different social media sites, heres a list of what I've been up to so far
I am far from a social media master, its all still a very foreign concept to me. Last time I was trying to get sites to the top of google pre-2011 it was all about onpage, and decent inbound links using targeted keywords.

I am now a giant SEO dinosaur, hence my sites bad google rankings - From top to bottom in one fell swoop, cheers guys! If anyone can help me in my quest to Social media my way back to the top of google and also to engage with Mario fans better on site itself, that would be very helpful.

The shelf behind me in my "Office"

This is my Super Mario (and a couple of Pokemon) shelf. I have two of the Mario Kart 64 RC Karts boxed, but I cant get the third and final one (Donkey Kong) anywhere :-(

Thursday 25 July 2013

Yoshi's New Island coming soon for Nintendo 3DS

Many long years ago we had Super Mario World, followed by Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. For more than a decade since the Mario universe has (aside from in remakes) not paid a new visit... until now, coming soon for the Nintendo 3DS will be Yoshi's New Island!

Mario Kart 8 E3 Trailer

So Nintendo unveiled a whole host of new Mario games at the E3 Expo in 2013, the one I am most excited about is Mario Kart 8, check out the trailer below

Feel free to share this trailer with you're friends, spread the word! :-)